Hello Scorum mates, how are you? I hope you have good health.

As you know, we have no league matches at this weekend because European Qualifiers matches will be played.

Because of that, this post will include just Premier League 1-0-2 Contest - Week 4 Results. If you are one of winners, please link three of your posts or comment 3 times. Here are the results:)

svarogbg's predictions - Bolds are winning - 4 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
West Ham United - Norwich City 0
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 2
Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 0
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 0

hakanlama67's predictions - Bolds are winning - 4 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
West Ham United - Norwich City 2
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 0
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 0
Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 2
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 0

trcoach's predictions - Bolds are winning - 6 points

Southampton - Manchester United 1
West Ham United - Norwich City 1
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 1
Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 1
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 0

ralph75's predictions - Bolds are winning - 5 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
West Ham United - Norwich City 1
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 1
Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 1
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 2

dragobetsky's predictions - Bolds are winning - 6 points

Southampton - Manchester United 0
West Ham United - Norwich City 1
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 2
Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 1
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 1

gercekler's predictions - Bolds are winning - 6 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
Batı Ham Birleşik - Norwich Şehri 1
Leicester Şehri - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester Şehri - Brighton ve Hove Albion 1

Newcastle Birleşik - Watford 1
Chelsea - Sheffield Birleşik 1
Kristal Saray - Aston Villa 1
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 1

Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 1

bartiemich's predictions - Bolds are winning - 3 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
West Ham United - Norwich City 0
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 0
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 0
Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 0
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 1

ohhanna's predictions - Bolds are winning - 7 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
West Ham United - Norwich City 1
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 0

Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 1
Burnley - Liverpool 2

Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 0

akarsufaruk's predictions - Bolds are winning - 5 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
West Ham United - Norwich City 1
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 0

Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 0
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 2

mr-sarriball's predictions - Bolds are winning - 8 points

Southampton - Manchester United 0
West Ham United - Norwich City 1
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1
Newcastle United - Watford 0

Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 1
Burnley - Liverpool 2
Everton - Wolverhampton 1

Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 1

mehmet01's predictions - Bolds are winning - 5 points

Southampton - Manchester United 2
West Ham United - Norwich City 1
Leicester City - AFC Bournemouth 1
Manchester City - Brighton & Hove Albion 1

Newcastle United - Watford 2
Chelsea - Sheffield United 1
Crystal Palace - Aston Villa 1
Burnley - Liverpool 2

Everton - Wolverhampton 0
Arsenal - Tottenham Hotspur 2

According the results;

1-mr-sarriball has 8 points

2-ohhanna has 7 points

3-trcoach has 6 points | dragobetsky has 6 points | gercekler has 6 points

Special congratz to mr-sarriball. He just reached the top points (8 points) in this event so far. Best wishes for next matchdays....

Please link three of your posts or comment 3 times.

Congratulations!!! You win %100-%80 upvote 3 times...

Note: See you next Tuesday for week 5 contest post. Keep in touch....