
Independiente is currently standing at 13th position in point table of Columbia Liga Aquila. They have played 18 matches in this season and out of them they able to win the match in just 5 matches only and they able to draw the match in 7 matches with remaining 6 matches went on loss. The current form of the team is average as in their last 5 matches they able to win in 2 matches with one match draw and in remaining 2 matches they suffer with lose.


This team has not shown their class as they are standing at 17 positions in Columbia Liga Aquila point table. This team has played 18 matches in this league and out of that they able to win in 4 matches and in remaining 14 matches, 7 matches went on loss with more 7 the result comes to draw. The current form of the team is average as they have played 5 matches and out of that they able to win in 2 matches with one math result comes to draw.

Head to Head

Both teams have faced many times head to Head at this ground. From August 2016 both teams face almost 5 times and out of that 2 times Independiente able to win the match but in one match Huila won the match. Two remaining match result remains to draw.

My prediction

Looking at the overall analysis it is cleared that Independiente are having a good season so far and also they are at 2nd position in the point table. Head to Head records is also great with Independiente. I am predicting that Independiente will win the match. The goal margin will be of just 3-2 In the upcoming encounter which will be played between Independiente and Huila and Independiente which is a great choice.

If you have any opinion/suggestion about this post, please write your opinion/ suggestion in the comment box.

Regards @Rabin Singh