I am a new guy in the cryptocurrency forum and I am impressed by Scorum, being my day. There is one point to make here. The cryptocurrency that is backed by a great community like the one here is most likely to stabilize and grow steadily. The larger the community the more the demand of the coin, and the more stable the currency becomes. With the large community that I have seen here, I have  a great assurance, we are in for a game changer.

Stability of the currency can be further enhanced by the introduction of products for sale. Why can we not have a platform to sell sporting equipment. This could be a wild suggest. Why taking this serious. My entrepreneur mind runs up and down, troubling me. But stability of a currency can be further enhanced. But I appreciate this plat form for knowledge sharing.

Yes, within this knowledge revolution era, we often look for platforms like these. Our knowledge has to make us make it in life. People can use knowledge to fight poverty and human suffering.