Everything has just started with one tweet which has been written by Daryl Morey who is the general manager of the Houston Rockets when his team visited in China. In his tweet he supported Hong Kong and said "Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong".. As we all know the Hong Kong goverments havin big problems with the China.. In few minutes Morey has deleted his tweet but everything was just started and it didn't make any change that he deleted.. I believe that he shouldn't do that in the first place.. That tweet started big protest in China and China goverments took some urgent actions and cancelled some deals which they made with the NBA teams.. Also Tencent Holdings which company has a NBA TV deal in China for $1.5 billion per year anounced that they will not broadcast the Houston Rockets games this year! Here is Morey's tweet 👇👇👇
After that LeBron James tried to calm things down but i thinh he also made mistake just like Morey and tweeted about this matter and said everyone should think twice before they speak out. With his tweet he criticized Morey for his tweet.. So this time LeBron has prepared new arguments and stayed on China's side. Yes, he tried to fix something but he couldn't and gained many enemies in Hong Kong. Here is LeBron's Tweet👇👇👇
When LeBron James goes to the China side the NBA fans in Hong Kong got really angry with him and started nig protest and burned his jerseys. Hundreds of people joined this protest and they had big fisghts with the police.. By the police reports totally 201 protester arrested..
Here are some interesting photos from the big protest in Hong Kong 👇👇👇