"Hi there my name is @Josediccus and I've just joined scorum. This particular moment made it the 30th hour since I joined this place and I must tell you, you don't need an oracle to tell you this platforms will be in the moon in one year from now. The truth is people may find it difficult to post sports contents and that's one of the most unique feature of scrorum. It will make for amazing blog contents because for bloggers who particularly blog about sport comes here it gives the world opportunity to come to this platforms and see quality sports blog and that's why I think mainstreaming on scrorum is fantastic because it's centered on sport and when you can't provide quality sport contents then there's absolutely no place for you, thereby thinning the herd and increasing the chances of boosting quality contents.

This is exactly the failing with steemit, too much usage of what is called bid-bots made it virtually impossible to notice amazing contents as a result of this the good bloggers never make it to the top take for examples CONSTANZA he's a big user here because of his quality contents but he's actually never gotten a big recognition on steemit due to the mass number of self promotion favouritism and other factors.

Scorum may get to this level in future where such happens but I definitely think it will be difficult because of the most important factor which is the platforms concentration on sports.

For the benefit of people who may register or see this post via google or the internet SCRORUM IS A PLATFORMS THAT REWARDS YOU FOR AMAZING AND QUALITY SPORT POSTS WHILE STEEMIT IS A DECENTRALIZED PLATFORM WHERE YOU BLOG (no specific niche) and earn as well. There are so many differences in the two plaform, steemit is over two years and scrorum is just months old bottom line is you get to earn for producing quality.


Well obviously in 9 months on steemit I earned 750 steempower but here you will likely earn that in one month if you're particularly resilient as well I'm however not posting to say which is better because one is a baby the other one is an adult and you can never compare them both, however the reason why you can earth up to 750 SP in a month is because of the voting system. Quality contents make it to the top and with maintaining quality content you will get enough scrorum power, however it's not same for steemit. New users are struggling on steemit because the already established users are already on automatic upvotes of their friends and colleagues, thereby making the reward pool very tiny for even the best of the best authors and bloggers. As a result of this good bloggers earn less steempower, earn less reward at the end if the day their quality amounts for nothing. The ecosystem of scrorum looks rather promising and different though it has it's own weaknesses as well but this will only amount to the infancy of the platform that's why I think scrorum's growth may even get to adulthood faster than steemit did.

Make no mistake, steemit is a fantastic platform. So many amazing bloggers including @Mikey and constanza came from steemit, and in the coming months a whole lot of steemit population will come here but only the good sport content creator will make it, no bid-bots no auto upvotes just handwork and quality.

There are even more established users on the platform but the truth is everywhere I turn I see  people like @mikey everywhere and what message does this simply pass? When you combine quality and resilience and hard work you get total success. New users needs not do anything other than this because it guarantees success more than imagined, they are literary everywhere and just less than two months of them being here they are already legends.

Make no mistake it's not Ad enabled post I'm only saying this because one day a new user may get to read this on joining scrorum so that they will get this mindset before posting anything or looking for ways to cut corners.


In my opinion I will like a few things to definitely happen to scrorum. They may eventually happen I don't know but the website is still In BETA and let's not forget it's a growing baby, nevertheless I think scrorum needs to have the resteem button a mobile enabled view and interphase for small android, pop up instruction enabled posting blog interphase this will make it easier for a newbie not to ask questions like (why isn't my photo uploading? Where can I upload photo?)

A follower and followee inteephase as well (this is highly opinionated, I'm saying it from a newbie point of view because I'm writing for prospective users to come to see this).


Scrorum is a fantastic platform and my advice would be engage, comments, quality post, build relationship, show humor, always comment back after you receive an UPVOTE, thank the upvoter, make sure you engage them in comments so they will stay glued to you, write comments that relates to the blog post if you don't know much about the topic of a blog post, read over and over again.

You may ask someone to visit your blog but don't tell them to UPVOTE you, let them choose if they will UPVOYE you.

I remain @JOSEDICCUS your lovely newbie, visit my blog for analysis on football.