The Olympics were said to have begun in the city of Olympia, Greece, in 776 BCE. The ancient Greeks at the time organized a sports competition that was followed by all the citizens to honour their supreme god, the deity Zeus.

The Olympic name was taken from Mount Olimpus, believed to be the residence of the deity Zeus. In the ancient Olympics, participants and spectators were limited to men, as all athletes had to compete with the naked body.

The ancient Olympics reached its peak in the 6th and 5th centuries, and gradually declined until it was completely unfounded in 393 A.D. as the Greek fall into Roman hands.

New in the 19th century the Olympics was revived by a French nobleman named Pierre Fredy Baron de Coubertin. The first Olympics to be recorded as a modern Olympics was held in Athens, Greece, in 1896. The Olympics were attended by 14 countries with a total of 241 athletes competing in 43 matches.

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Japan will host the Olympics implementation in 2020

The Olympics are the largest and leading sports competition in the world, with more than 200 countries participating.

And in the coming year 2020, the Olympics will be held in Japan.

Therefore, Japan did a series of preparations to ensure this event runs smoothly.

Reported from the video uploaded from the World Economic Forum Facebook account, any preparations made by the government.