Myself,Ritik Singh Solanki A Student and A Great Fan of Sports

I love to Play Games like Cricket ,Football, Badminton and watch Many Sports like Wrestling,Cricket ,Football , Tennis ,Badminton , Boxing And etc .For me in Sports my Biggest Idol is Gautam Gambhir and Except That I love to watch Finn Balor in wrestling,R onaldo and Suni Chatri in Football .I never Miss An El Classico Match till.In tennis I prefer only toh watch Roger Federer and Rafel Nadal Match and Sometimes Novak Djkovic .From female I love Sania Nehwal.From Badminton my Personal Favourite is Sania Nehwal and Marykom from Boxing. Cricket is my First Love and Never Miss the single match of India.

Apart from Sports I also love to do many extra-curricular activities like Reading books ,Watching movies,Playing Garba and So On.I love to Celebrate Festivals like Makarsankranti, Navratri,Diwali, Holi and etc.Specially Navratri and Makarsankranti.During navratri I Play Garba All Night and In makarsankranti love to fly kites all day.

My Friends @dhiraj 3218 and @jaineel give me this Idea that you can Share your Sports Knowledge and Can Also Do Earning From it .

So That was My Introduction so Please Give me your Opinion and Give valuableOpinion Upvote☺️