A Blockchain Centric Discord Bot.

Score and Swag

@swagger is an upvote bot for the Scorum platform and can be used through the Discord App.

Swagger is intended to help Scorum Discord communities grow and also help those that aren't getting noticed on their posts.

Now you can upvote with swagger in on Discord. That is the basic feature swagger currently has and more will be added in the future.

As it is impossible to eliminate all spam, it can be minimized and swagger will add preventative measure so spam and abuse will not rise through the use of this bot.

Join the Smart Media Group Discord, Promote your Scorum posts, and use @swagger!


How to Score Swagger?

Join a Discord server that has the @swagger or invite it to your server if you have permission, and type the command ^upvote [URL] in the appropriate channel like so:

Example: ^upvote [url]

Note: Using the wrong prefix will result in a reply letting you know if your post may have already been voted or using the wrong prefix.

Swagger also works on multiple platforms!

How to Add Swagger to a Discord Server?

Current commands for @swagger

  • ^upvote [url] - upvote from bot; Scorum link.
  • !upvote [url] - upvote from bot; Smoke.io link.
  • *upvote [url] - upvote from bot; Steemit link.


Can I use it to vote for other's posts?


Can I use it to vote for comments?

EDIT: No. It was decided to not enable this to allow a more organic engagement in comments.

Is there a limit or wait time to use this bot?

Yes. There is a limit of 1 post every 30 seconds and no post age limit. This will be adjusted as usage and user base increases.

Why did I not get a response or an upvote?

The bot can be down for maintenance, updates, and node issues. Just have a little patience and things should be back to normal shortly.

From time to time, the bot will change cool-down times to recharge Vote Power.

Donations to @swagger are welcome 😊

Vote for @primetimesports for Witness!
