Me Post. You upvote.

If you sound more like Tarzan then this platform isn't for you. I have seen a lot of link spamming in the telegrams and discords I am in. 

Not that it's a bad thing.

But we can do so much better.

Here's how. We do a Curation Show like PYPT for Steemit.

"PYPT is About Networking and Sharing

Growing your audience on Steemit is partly creating great content and the other part is networking to get to know others and they to know you.

PYPT is an opportunity to network. We’ve had some great sessions so far, come join in.

Get your post ready to go and bring it along to either session. You’ll get a turn to present your post and let others get to know you and the content you create.

Come on over and join in at 11am EDT and/or 7pm EDT

Feel free to hop into the server and the voice chat at anytime to test out your connection or just say hello."

These are my thoughts. If you know of a great curation project or you are starting one just comment below!

Keep Scoring.