In our mid twenties we start to lose Collagen, which is the protein and "glue" that holds us together and is absolutely crucial in everything from building muscle mass to tendon, ligament and cartilage health, as well as keeping joints strong. The side benefits from a vanity standpoint is that it makes your hair and skin look amazing as well. This is purely an Op/Ed piece and not to be taken as anything that is medical advice but I do encourage people to research more into it as it has been a God send for me and sped up recovery time when I do resistance band exercises in particular. This Amino Acid power food is found in powder and pill form primarily with more Paleo food bars featuring it as a protein packed dietary addition.

I am doing a Paleo Collagen mix of both Chicken and Beef Bone broths that are nutrient rich in Amino Acids as well as a couple of bars and supplements. (I make sure they are sourced and certified in certain ways that make me feel it is coming from a quality manufacturer. I personally find the more local the better). When they said "Chicken Soup Is For The Soul", it also could mean the nutrient rich broth is an ancient elixir that stood the test of time for a reason.

A year and a half ago my muscle mass was not what I wanted and the joint aches from doing resistance training and over the door pull up racks made me feel like my muscle fibers were splitting. The old adage that many say is that "pain equals gain". In that case I will choose a little natural booster to help in goals and milestones set.

The Paleo Diet craze has been touting everything from grass fed and organic Beef and Chicken collagen to marine sourced varieties. Collagen comes in many forms such as type 1,2, and 3 which again depending on your needs can aid in digestion to lean muscle building and rapid healing (restating this is op/ed only).

I wanted to bulk up a bit and did and credit it to the lean muscle mass building properties of Collagen. My left knee that was repeatedly blown out during sports growing up is about 85% better than before this regiment but that's just my take...I won't go into what I take or don't take or endorse but feel that bone broths and the wave of rediscovering "old" health and performance boosters has stood the test of time for a reason.

If you have any comments or questions, I would love to be of help or assistance as some nutrients have a very long history of enhancing health and performance naturally for a reason. Take Care and Scorum On!

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Keep On Keepin' On! :)

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