January will be an extremely busy month in the Belgian League and I'm gearing up for a lot of betting action. This is the plan and the match schedule...

I enjoyed a couple of days away from betting and am ready to have a go at it again in January. Consistency is key in betting so I plan to keep a similar routine compared to what I have been doing the last 3 seasons successfully. Each match will be previewed and I will likely make a habit out of it early in the morning with the SBC Discord Channel also making the preview posts keeping track of everything. I also intend to become more active this year on Twitter (@costanzabets). Most of my pre-game and live bets will also be shared and I will continue to keep close track of everything in the weekly results updates.

This is the schedule of all matches in January:

So 57 matches in 26 days with 5 days without a single match which will be a busy ride as it will come down to 72-hours+ of watching games in total. Many teams also will have to play matches with only 2 days in between. Anyway, I'm looking forward to this busy period hoping to be able to earn some money from the betting activity (or in the worst case avoid losses)

So far this season has gone to plan with a +5.06% ROI on 818 bets being slightly above the long-term expectation and I look to keep this up.