The payout for last week's blog was 67.74 SP meaning that our winning entry for this week will receive 50% of that rounded up which comes to 34 SCR!

Guest Judge this Week is @hellsbelle

Here is something to get you warmed up for this weeks contest photo.

Now that you are sufficiently hyped and hopefully mentally prepared, here is the subject for this week's contest.

By Steven J. Weber - This Image was released by the United States Navy

The object of this game is to look at the photo above from a freaky sporting event and then tell a story about the event in your own words as if you were at the scene when it happened. You can become an observer, a fan, you can also become one of the participants in the event, you can be the coach, an official, or you can even be a newscaster. Just tell what happened from your vantage point as if you were right there watching when it happened, or from the viewpoint of it happening to you. Make it weird, make it funny, or make it dramatic. In fact, just have fun and tell the story from what you were thinking when you saw the photo, don't worry about the facts, just make it up as you go.

  • Title your blog "On Freaky Friday I _____________" fill in the blank with something to make your story unique. Post the video or photo from this contest along with a link back to this blog and a short explanation so that the readers will know what you are writing about.

  • The story must be 400 words long or longer about the events and scenes in the following video or photo.

  • The story must be your own work, quotes may be used with credits given but the words in a quote do not count toward the word total. Make sure that you also give credits for any photos used in your story.

  • Write your story in your own blog and post a link below.

  • This contest will be judged not only on the quality and content of the story but also on how well the entrants are participating in the community. This includes blogging, upvoting and commenting on the blogs of others. Bonus points if you comment on the blogs of the other entries.

  • The contest is open to anyone, but due to bad actors and scammers on Scorum, I reserve the right to disqualify or ignore any entry from someone known to be a deceiver or who is even suspected of not being genuine. Don't worry, if you have written good blogs free from plagiarism and have not tried to scam anyone then you should have nothing to be concerned about. But if you think that you might be on my blacklist you can email me at to confirm your eligibility.

  • The prize will be 50% of the total payout from the previous contest blog plus any donations.

  • As part of the reward for entering the contest, I will give a 100% upvote to any qualifying entry.

We had three absolutely awesome, imaginative, funny and thought-provoking entries this week and I can see that I'm going to need some help judging from now on. After great deliberation, I am declaring @stanleyasokingz this weeks winner for slipping in that mighty twist to his story and causing me to bust out laughing. Here is a link to the winning entry;


Here are this weeks other two super entries;

@austino - On Freaky Friday, I told Luis he was gonna be found wanting..


@ablaze - On Freaky Friday I saved my life

This week's Sponsors Are:

@liuke96player, @bamamama, @afifa, @brandonk, @satoshi, @lawlees, @akudozen, @josediccus, @sportsgeek, @btb, @paulao0506

@ioannis, @Nepalaya, @Hassan, @izge, @davor27, @fullcoverbetting

@nicewoody69, @stanleyasokingz, @ablaze

This Contest is my attempt to help Struggling Bloggers and those who are working hard to build up their accounts on Scorum.

P.S. I added this into the tag that the photo for the story is best suited, in this case surfing, because anything that is posted with the tag "other" or "scorum" will not show up in any of the trending pages. I have asked for a tag "contests" to be included with a future update. If you believe that posting this contest blog under the"surfing" tag violates site policy or that it is offensive in any way then let me know. I will not be able to change it for this blog but if there is a general opposition to this practice I will stop and post in "other" until they add another tag.